Providing Football For Everyone

Jack Petchey Nominations 2015
Nomimations for December 2015:
I’d like to nominate Ryan Chambers for this months Jack Petchey award.
Ryan, who is there every week, has never missed a match or training and is completely hard working and dedicated to the team, he is a lovely boy, good character and very polite.
SLL League Secretary
Bailey Turner (Hotspurs)
From the very first get together following the selection night, Bailey has been an absolute delight to know and to coach. He may not be the quickest or the most gifted player, but his desire to work hard, his infectious enthusiasm and his wonderfully accepting attitude mean he is a fantastic boy to have in our squad.
His positivity, politeness and delight in his team have been evident throughout the summer and all season to date, and have helped bond the group. Indeed it has made the organising of, and attendance by many of the team at other events outside of Little League really easy and rewarding for all.
He never stops smiling, encourages his team mates, and is a real credit to his family. Above all Bailey is an absolutely brilliant example to others of how to enjoy your football and make lasting friendships. He is also showing some terrific improvement in his abilities on the pitch, which is testament to his effort and his desire to contribute for his team.
Nick, Mark & Dave
Hotspurs management team
This month I'm going to nominate Otis.
He deserves recognition for his performances but also for the fact that his attitude is always spot on, he is always available, always tries his best and is liked by everyone in the team because he is such a great guy!
His goals are invaluable too!!
Nomimations for October 2015:
Nomination for Harry Hornblower-Ardley (Hotspurs)
Harry joined Little League this season having previously played very little football. At first he seemed somewhat overawed, and self-conscious of his shortcomings relative to others.
Over the summer Harry grew gradually more confident, displaying a desire to improve, a strong sense of the team ethic, and a new confidence through his efforts. He has formed strong bonds with teammates, shown delight in their achievements, willingly accepted new challenges he has been set, and is one of the keenest at training and on match days. His parents have both expressed their delight at how much he now loves his football, something that is evident to his coaches.
Put simply, Harry is a great example of what the ethos of Little League is all about, showing that fun comes not from ability, or from winning, but from participation, embracing being part of a team, and playing the game for enjoyment with new friends. We are proud of both his efforts and his attitude.
Nick, Mark & Dave
I'd like to nominate Claude Matundu because, throughout The Gladiators' dreadful start to the season, Claude has really tried to take the team by the scruff of the neck and galvanise everyone together. He has been a very positive voice within the team, encouraging the other boys to stick it out and try to build a competitive squad together.
The Rangers would like to nominate Emilio Rattue for this months JP.
Emilio came into the rangers on the back of some exceptional performances in the juniors. Emilio came into the team as a auto selection with his dad joining the coaching team, Emilio has taken this in his stride but has never expected to be treated any differently. Emilio has a great worth ethic both in games and in training ( I would love to see the distance he covers during a game!) which has earned him 1) respect from the existing members of the team and 2) The vice captains role - which due to our captain missing all 8 games so far has meant Emilio captaining the side, something he has done incredibly well.
Emilio is also a great influence on his team mates - he possess some of the best natural ability I have seen at SLL in all my time down there but this does not effect him, always wants to get better, always wants to practise - during the summer training wasn't enough for him and he would stay behind at the end to continue his development, we as managers believe this has raised the standards amongst our team ( which can never be a bad thing !) Emilio never criticises anyone in his team should they make a mistake instead offering them some advice on how to improve in that area. Far from being the complete football player Emilio is a delight for us to train, and we have already seen some improvement from his junior days. Emilio regularly is commended by opposition manager s for his performance which again is a massive credit to him.
Away from the Rangers Emilio can always been seen watching his brother in the Owls or watching his friends in other teams around the park. Emilio generally loves playing football and thoroughly enjoys his time at SLL which is a massive credit to everyone that has the pleasure of managing him in the past. We hope Emilio receives the credit he deserves through the JP, as this is what SLL is all about. Development, enthusiasm and commitment.
The Rangers.
Dynamos nomination: Joe Ford
Joe is a manager's son, which often means that his contributions are overlooked by the Dynamo's managers in order to avoid calls of favouritism.
However, Joe has really adapted to the bigger pitches (and goals) in the Inters league and has started to turn out the kind of commanding performances that managers love to see from goalkeepers. This run of form has seen Joe and his defence keep 2 clean sheets in 2 games and these performances were recently acknowledged when he was given the captain's armband for the cup tie against The Blues.
Joe is helpful & polite to his managers, encouraging to his team mates and respectful of his opposition, opposing managers and the officials at all times.
The Romans nomination is Daniel Cocker.
Daniel has come into the team this season and has played consistently every week. He had also been playing with a broken arm and never gives up.
Nomimations for September 2015:
Our nomimation for September is Mack
Mack joined the squad late in the summer but immediately settled in & has become a popular member of the team. He is always first at the park on match day and has shown himself to be extremely polite & helpful at training.
Kind Regards
The Romans would like to put forward Daniel Coker for this months Jack Petchy award.
Daniel is new to SLL and has fitted into his new team very well. Daniel always plays with a smile and this is what little league is all about.
Nomination: Joe Goodburn (Hotspurs)
Being a manager's son, Joe has little choice but to turn up early to every training session and every match. Nonetheless, he never complains, and always helps willingly with setting up sessions in the week and ropes and nets etc on Saturdays. He has done this now for the last 4-5 seasons that I have been managing his teams. It is commendable, and an unsung part of his commitment to the little league, which we believe warrants recognition.
I would like to nominate Ryan Coles from the Spartans (Senior League) who joined us this season. He unfortunately suffers from Crohns disease which rendered him very sick pre-season which included nearly a week in hospital with ALL types of physical activity stopped. He is now recovering slowly and despite being on a huge amount of medication, he is a regular attender at training and is now playing for a limited time on match days.
Andy Murdoch
Spartans Manager
JP nomination for Sep is Daniel Ajayi (Angels)
Daniel is now in his second year with the Angels and from min one has been a joy to coach and manage. He is held in the highest regard by all of his team mates and the management team at the Angels. He always gives 100% in training and is the most consistent performer on match days. His attitude is nothing short of outstanding. In a pre-season friendly he was singled out by the ref for a special mention due to his attitude and sportsmanship.
In short, he is a credit to himself and Sutton Little League.
I’d like to nominate Adam Dunning for the Jack Petchey award.
This is Adams 2nd season at Sutton Little League and he has come a long way since he joined the Ospreys. When he first joined the team he immediately loved playing football and showed 100% commitment from the start. He always turns up for training and has never missed a match on a Saturday. He is a popular player amongst his peers and is well liked. Last season he was quite nervous about going in for tackles and heading the ball, but this season he has excelled in both these areas and so far has scored several times - something he didn’t do last year. He never complains what position he is put in or when he is substituted and can’t wait for the next game. Adam is a good example of a young player joining SLL with no real experience of playing football who has embraced the sport regardless of his ability.
We would like to nominate the Wanderers regular goalkeeper.
We have put this boy forward because he has played with a smile on his face all season and never gives up, we have both seen a big improvement in his game and he is a credit to Mick and the league.
Nick & Stuart
Hotspurs management
My nomination goes to the Ospreys goalkeeper Jay Bottom- Elmes.
Jay has had a first class attitude throughout. I believe his father has a certain level of disability therefore Jay attended all training sessions and attends our Saturday matches by himself. He was amongst the first to arrive at our summer training sessions and help set up the goals etc. He always trained with great enthusiasm and encouraged others. As a new manager Jay has been a font of knowledge, he is informed and extremely passionate. He has however come into his own since the season began with brilliant performances conceding only 1 goal in our first match and keeping a clean sheet in our second.
Jay has been a great example hence my nomination.
Best wishes
We (Lions) would like to nominate Haydon Downing for the JP Award.
Haydon Downing is nominated by the Lions management team for his positive attitude and team effort. Haydon is in his final senior year as a player with Sutton Little League. He never misses a match or a training session. Regardless of whether the Lions are winning or losing, nor whether it is at the start or near to the end of a game, he never gives up and continues to work hard and to encourage his team mates. He has been asked to play in several different positions during the course of the season and always gives his all whether it is his favoured position or not. His family are helpful with lifts and any other favour asked of them and are always at the matches to support Haydon and the rest of the Lions team. Haydon is an excellent all round team player and a great advert for Sutton Little League Football.
Paul and Patrick Kelly
I would like to nominate Harry Emans from the Hotspurs.
Harry is a manager's son, something that often means boys get overlooked for recognition. I would love for Harry to get a Jack Petchey award, however, as he has such a fantastic attitude and happy disposition. I have never known him question a decision of coaches or referees, or to criticise another player, and am constantly impressed by his politeness and genuine consideration. Harry is always happy to help us set up or pack away, has shown respect to everyone, and has encouraged other team members throughout the season. He is great with the younger boys, taking them under his wing early on whilst they found their feet in a new team and division. Harry can be relied upon to take the gloves when no-one else is keen, never shows anything other than 100%, and never complains. He offers reasoned comments and is thankful and considerate. Overall, he is a terrific example to all, and a pleasure to know.
Hotspurs manager
We would like to nominate Tommy Treanor from the Hotspurs.
Tommy is an unsung hero for the Hotspurs. A quiet and unassuming lad, Tommy never gets heated, agitated or upset. Rather he displays a quiet authority in games, great reading of the game, and terrific distribution. In addition Tommy brings a calm and simple effectiveness in his play that allows others around him, particularly the younger boys, to play with more confidence and enjoyment. He displays these traits week in week out at training and in games. Tommy is a pleasure to know and to coach, and is a great credit to his family.
Nick & Stuart
Hotspurs management